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New blog, who dis'?

This blog is my attempt to bring myself and others closer to a modern and convenient life that allows us to leave a cleaner world for our sons and daughters without draining bank accounts or wearing organic burlap sacks. You're here, you're reading this, so it's safe to assume you may have been experimenting with trying to be more conscious of your purchases and your lifestyle choices. I'm writing this, so obviously, I have too. It's been almost two years since I've developed this nagging little voice that questions my purchases each time I swipe my credit card or click my way through a checkout. It asks me if what I bought is necessary? (mostly not) Is it sustainable? (again, no) And is it ethically produced? (questionable) Having a baby took my anxieties about our planet's waning resources and manifested them into a real need to be part of the solution and stop exacerbating the problem. So here I am, ready to respond to my internal nag by holding mysel

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